Devastating Typhoon + School Opening

Resilience in unstable times.

On July 24, Typhoon Carina (Gaemi) brought about flooding and destruction over Metro Manila. The death toll reached 39 with more people missing and injured, and the damage estimated at 545 Million Php (

Some of our People of Grace students and staff were affected. Despite the difficulty of having to clean and dry up their homes, they still had to be resilient and start the school year strong. This also forced our building team to pause and redirect their efforts to help those in need at this time.

School opened on July 29, a month earlier than last year. The government is trying to shift back to the original school schedule in the Philippines as the changes they made did not match our seasons and severe heat forced the cancellation of some classes in April and May. These constant changes in the school system do not help our youth who are still overcoming learning loss and trauma from being locked in for two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

So far, around 197 students are enrolled at People of Grace and we are still expecting more, hoping to exceed last school year’s 222 students. Many adjustments have to be made because of the new curriculum and new school calendar introduced by the government to help solve the country’s low reading and writing skills. Some high school students from public high schools can barely read or do basic mathematics. We will be having two sections in grade 7 mathematics in order to meet them in their needs, while those who have difficulty in reading will be given interventions so that they can read better.

Again, we would like to thank you for your continuous support and prayers to help us make education accessible to more children in the community.

We have committed relief funds to help those affected by the floods with groceries, and we still have students needing sponsors for their education.

We are at 40% of our $20,000 spring and summer goal for education and outreach. Your one-time or monthly commitments can help sustain the relief and access to quality education we provide to the most needy. If you would like to help us reach our goal, please click on the button below or reply to this email for more details.

With heartfelt thanks,

Buena Tupe
People of Grace International

P.S. Through your monthly gifts, we can provide continued support to our partners around the world and help fund the education of vulnerable children and youth.

Would you consider making a monthly impact, gifting at least $35/month?

Ways to Give

  • Online:

  • Cheques to ICMS: Please include a "separate" note – For People of Grace International

  • Call or Email: (604) 240-5096 or


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