Become an Advocate

Alleviating poverty and empowering the marginalized are central to our cause. Would you consider teaming up with us through the following ways?

  1. Host a Fundraiser: Whether it's a birthday bash or another special occasion, turn your celebration into a meaningful event by raising funds for People of Grace International Foundation. 

  2. Business Engagement: Dedicate a percentage of your business sales to support our cause and make a direct impact on the lives of those in need. 

  3. Host an Event: From lunches to dinners and brunches, gather your friends and colleagues to hear our vision and extend your support to those who need it most. 

  4. Flexible Giving: Contribute monthly or give as you please, providing ongoing support that fuels our mission. 

  5. Volunteer: Your expertise is invaluable! Join us in our mission by offering your skills and time to help us make a difference. This could look like supporting community events, x and x. 

If any of these opportunities resonate with you, or if you have other ideas in mind, simply hit reply to this email, and I’ll be in touch.

With heartfelt thanks,

Buena Tupe
People of Grace International

P.S. Through your monthly gifts, we can provide continued support to our partners around the world and help fund the education of vulnerable children and youth.

Would you consider making a monthly impact, gifting at least $35/month?

Ways to Give

  • Online:

  • Cheques to ICMS: Please include a "separate" note – For People of Grace International

  • Call or Email: (604) 240-5096 or


Our Journey in the Philippines


Philippines Outreach 2024