Charge it to Experience
What’s your most memorable “charge it to experience” story?
One of mine happened recently—over something as simple as a bottle of water.
While at an airport café for breakfast, I ordered a bottle of water. The menu listed it at $3.40 USD, but when the bill arrived, I was stunned to see an $8.40 USD charge—before taxes and fees. Puzzled, I asked the waitress why the price was different. She replied casually, “Oh, that’s a different one.” Turns out, she’d chosen the most expensive bottle of water for me.
Looking back, I realized I should have pointed to the specific item I wanted, instead of vaguely saying, “water.”
This small moment highlighted a bigger truth: communication matters. Whether it’s ordering a drink, giving directions, or setting expectations, being clear is crucial. And when the stakes are higher, asking clarifying questions becomes even more important to avoid misunderstandings and unmet expectations.
I’m sure you’ve had similar moments where things didn’t go as planned. Maybe you:
Bought something without fully understanding what you were getting, only to face hidden fees or unmet expectations.
Assumed a project at work was going smoothly, only to uncover issues later.
Hired the wrong person, realizing too late the toll it took on your team or goals.
Overlooked a small health concern, only to have it spiral into something more complex.
Missed the chance to strengthen a relationship with a friend or family member because you assumed there’d always be more time.
Life is full of these “charge it to experience” moments—misses and mistakes that teach us valuable lessons.
But while we can’t avoid every misstep, there are areas of life where intentionality can make all the difference:
Prioritizing our health
Nurturing meaningful relationships
Pursuing our dreams with clarity and care
As we start off 2025, let’s commit to:
Pay closer attention
Ask thoughtful questions
Listen actively
Show compassion
Express our expectations clearly
Seek common ground
Invest our time and resources intentionally
Let’s aim to reduce the moments we have to “charge to experience” and focus instead on creating moments of purpose and growth.
And when we falter, we can hold on to a greater promise: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” —Romans 8:28
Here’s to a more intentional 2025 and to continuing our mission of serving the most vulnerable—together with you!
With heartfelt thanks,
Buena Tupe
People of Grace International
REMINDER: Expect tax receipts by the end of January 2025—we’ll send a reminder to check your inbox for the ICMS receipt.
UPDATE: We’re just $5,000 away from our 2024 year-end goal to help complete Phase 1 of our Philippine project. Your support has brought us this far – thank you for being part of this journey!
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